第14章 谎言天堂(3/4)
my wife, Nia!(这是我的妻子,尼娅!)”普尼尔向东方男子介绍道。
“punier, is this your friend?(普尼尔,这是你的朋友吗?)”尼娅望着东方男子惊呼道。不等对方回答,尼娅又继续道:“It's hard to imagine that you still have friends from Asia! but, forgive me, he looks like a savage!(难以想像,你竟然还有亚洲的朋友!不过,请恕我失言,他看起来像个野人!)”
“Friend, please e in!(朋友,里面请吧!)”普尼尔请东方男子进屋道。
“Nia, don't be so shocked. Get someone to cook for my guest!(尼娅,别愣着了,快叫人做饭来招待我的贵客吧!)”普尼尔提醒道。
“oK, you talk first, and it will be ready soon!(好的,你们先聊,马上就好!)”尼娅回答道。
“In fact, my father left me another pany, but I lost it. I'm sorry for my father!(其实原本父亲留给我的还有一家公司,但是我却失去了它,我真是对不起我的父亲!)”普尼尔一脸悲伤地道。
“how did you lose it?(你是怎么失去它的?)”东方男子好奇地道。
“I still remember when my father just handed over the pany to me, I was still a hairy boy, I didn't understand anything, so I was trapped by others, and the pany was occupied by others!(还记得父亲将公司刚刚交到我手上的时候,我还是个毛头小子,我什么都不懂,所以中了别人的圈套,公司被别人给霸占了!)”普尼尔道。
“that pany is obviously yours. why do they want to occupy it?(那公司明明是你的,他们为什么要霸占呢?)”东方男子不解地道。
“this is like a hunter who destroys your home and kills your family. there is no reason to talk to them!(这就像是毁你家园杀你家人的猎人,跟他们是没有道理可讲的!)”普尼尔道。
“Are they as bad as the hunters?(他们也和那些猎人一样坏吗?)”听普尼尔这么说,东方男子激动地道。
“they robbed my pany and killed my parents. Isn't that bad?(他们抢了我的公司,杀了我的父母,难道这还不算坏吗?)”普尼尔面带怒色地反问道。
“Your family died at their hands?(你的家人也死在他们的手上?)”听普尼尔这么说,东方男子想到了那片被大火吞噬的森林,被猎人屠杀的动物。
“Yes, from that day on, I worked hard to keep the pany my father left me in order; however, the pany that belongs to me will never e back! In addition, in the face of the real killer of parents, I have no way!(是的,从那天起,我就奋发图强,将爸爸留给我的这家公司打理的井井有条;但是,本属于我的那家公司却再也回不来了!并且,面对杀父母的真凶,我却一点办法也没有!)”普尼尔无奈地道。
“bastards, they are so hateful, just as hateful as those damned hunters!(混蛋,他们真是太可恶了,就和那些该死的猎人一样可恶!)”东方男子咬牙切齿地道。
“Friend, after dinner, you can stay at my home safely.
“punier, is this your friend?(普尼尔,这是你的朋友吗?)”尼娅望着东方男子惊呼道。不等对方回答,尼娅又继续道:“It's hard to imagine that you still have friends from Asia! but, forgive me, he looks like a savage!(难以想像,你竟然还有亚洲的朋友!不过,请恕我失言,他看起来像个野人!)”
“Friend, please e in!(朋友,里面请吧!)”普尼尔请东方男子进屋道。
“Nia, don't be so shocked. Get someone to cook for my guest!(尼娅,别愣着了,快叫人做饭来招待我的贵客吧!)”普尼尔提醒道。
“oK, you talk first, and it will be ready soon!(好的,你们先聊,马上就好!)”尼娅回答道。
“In fact, my father left me another pany, but I lost it. I'm sorry for my father!(其实原本父亲留给我的还有一家公司,但是我却失去了它,我真是对不起我的父亲!)”普尼尔一脸悲伤地道。
“how did you lose it?(你是怎么失去它的?)”东方男子好奇地道。
“I still remember when my father just handed over the pany to me, I was still a hairy boy, I didn't understand anything, so I was trapped by others, and the pany was occupied by others!(还记得父亲将公司刚刚交到我手上的时候,我还是个毛头小子,我什么都不懂,所以中了别人的圈套,公司被别人给霸占了!)”普尼尔道。
“that pany is obviously yours. why do they want to occupy it?(那公司明明是你的,他们为什么要霸占呢?)”东方男子不解地道。
“this is like a hunter who destroys your home and kills your family. there is no reason to talk to them!(这就像是毁你家园杀你家人的猎人,跟他们是没有道理可讲的!)”普尼尔道。
“Are they as bad as the hunters?(他们也和那些猎人一样坏吗?)”听普尼尔这么说,东方男子激动地道。
“they robbed my pany and killed my parents. Isn't that bad?(他们抢了我的公司,杀了我的父母,难道这还不算坏吗?)”普尼尔面带怒色地反问道。
“Your family died at their hands?(你的家人也死在他们的手上?)”听普尼尔这么说,东方男子想到了那片被大火吞噬的森林,被猎人屠杀的动物。
“Yes, from that day on, I worked hard to keep the pany my father left me in order; however, the pany that belongs to me will never e back! In addition, in the face of the real killer of parents, I have no way!(是的,从那天起,我就奋发图强,将爸爸留给我的这家公司打理的井井有条;但是,本属于我的那家公司却再也回不来了!并且,面对杀父母的真凶,我却一点办法也没有!)”普尼尔无奈地道。
“bastards, they are so hateful, just as hateful as those damned hunters!(混蛋,他们真是太可恶了,就和那些该死的猎人一样可恶!)”东方男子咬牙切齿地道。
“Friend, after dinner, you can stay at my home safely.