第51章 脱笼(3/4)
amily controls all major and minor gangs in the United States, and also manipulates industries such as gambling, pornography, drugs, and arms in the country. their power is beyond your imagination. I believe you would rather offend the SEALs than provoke them.(马克家族是美国现在最大的黑手党组织,他们的领袖正是你现在看到的那个人的父亲马克亚当斯。他们的家族掌控着美国所有的大小帮派,并且还操纵着美国的赌博业、色情业、毒品以及军火等行业。他们的势力大到超乎你的想像,我相信你宁可得罪海豹突击队也不想去招惹他们的。)”格雷格介绍道。
“why do you know them so well? have you ever set foot in them?(为什么你对他们这么了解?难道你也曾涉足于他们?)”马克思好奇地道。
“As the saying goes, different paths do not conspire against each other. don't worry, I have nothing to do with them.(正所谓道不同不相为谋,你放心,我跟他们没有任何关系。)”格雷格微笑道。
“how could an organization as powerful as theirs yield to helping us?(像他们势力这么庞大的组织,又怎么会屈驾于帮助咱们?)”马克思不解地道。
“of course we are not qualified enough, but there is one person who can, but unfortunately, he seems to have passed away.(我们当然是不够格了,但有一个人却可以,不过遗憾的是他好像已经不在人世了。)”格雷格道。
“Are you trying to kill us? what's the use of that person who's already dead?(你想害死我们啊?那人都已经死了还管什么用啊?)”马克思道。
“Although everyone says he is dead, in fact no one has actually seen his body. Now we have his token in hand, and of course, what we say is what we say.(大家虽然都说他死了,但事实上并没有人真正看到过他的尸体,现在咱们有他的信物在手,当然是咱们说什么就是什么了。)”格雷格笑道。
“Greg, can you stop panting when you talk? Almost scared to death by you!(格雷格,你说话能不能不要大喘气?差点被你吓死!)”马克思抹了一把头上的冷汗道。
“Sorry, I didn't expect you, a Florida sheriff, to be so timid.(对不起,我没想到你堂堂一个佛罗里达州的警长,胆子竟然这么小。)”格雷格笑道。
“Alright, have you had enough laughter?(好了,你笑够了没有?)”马克思不悦地望着格雷格道。顿了一下,马克思接着道:“but how should we approach him?(可是我们应该怎么接近他呢?)”
“Let's take a look first!(先看看再说!)”格雷格道。
连续几场拳赛结束后,贵宾席上穿风衣的男子气愤地骂道:“A group of fools, who caused me to lose so much money today!(一群笨蛋,害我今天输了那么多钱!)”说着,那风衣男子就准备离开了。
“Young master, it seems that your luck is not good today, you have lost a lot of money!(公子,看来你今天时运不佳,输了很多钱啊!)”就在这时,格雷格走上前去大方的向风衣男子道。
“who are you?(你是谁?)”风衣男子不悦地道
“why do you know them so well? have you ever set foot in them?(为什么你对他们这么了解?难道你也曾涉足于他们?)”马克思好奇地道。
“As the saying goes, different paths do not conspire against each other. don't worry, I have nothing to do with them.(正所谓道不同不相为谋,你放心,我跟他们没有任何关系。)”格雷格微笑道。
“how could an organization as powerful as theirs yield to helping us?(像他们势力这么庞大的组织,又怎么会屈驾于帮助咱们?)”马克思不解地道。
“of course we are not qualified enough, but there is one person who can, but unfortunately, he seems to have passed away.(我们当然是不够格了,但有一个人却可以,不过遗憾的是他好像已经不在人世了。)”格雷格道。
“Are you trying to kill us? what's the use of that person who's already dead?(你想害死我们啊?那人都已经死了还管什么用啊?)”马克思道。
“Although everyone says he is dead, in fact no one has actually seen his body. Now we have his token in hand, and of course, what we say is what we say.(大家虽然都说他死了,但事实上并没有人真正看到过他的尸体,现在咱们有他的信物在手,当然是咱们说什么就是什么了。)”格雷格笑道。
“Greg, can you stop panting when you talk? Almost scared to death by you!(格雷格,你说话能不能不要大喘气?差点被你吓死!)”马克思抹了一把头上的冷汗道。
“Sorry, I didn't expect you, a Florida sheriff, to be so timid.(对不起,我没想到你堂堂一个佛罗里达州的警长,胆子竟然这么小。)”格雷格笑道。
“Alright, have you had enough laughter?(好了,你笑够了没有?)”马克思不悦地望着格雷格道。顿了一下,马克思接着道:“but how should we approach him?(可是我们应该怎么接近他呢?)”
“Let's take a look first!(先看看再说!)”格雷格道。
连续几场拳赛结束后,贵宾席上穿风衣的男子气愤地骂道:“A group of fools, who caused me to lose so much money today!(一群笨蛋,害我今天输了那么多钱!)”说着,那风衣男子就准备离开了。
“Young master, it seems that your luck is not good today, you have lost a lot of money!(公子,看来你今天时运不佳,输了很多钱啊!)”就在这时,格雷格走上前去大方的向风衣男子道。
“who are you?(你是谁?)”风衣男子不悦地道